Colour Therapy - Sky Blue and Indigo!
This blog post is about Yellow Colour, its healing effect and how it is used in colour therapy…
Colour Therapy - Green!
This blog post is about Yellow Colour, its healing effect and how it is used in colour therapy…
Colour Therapy - Yellow!
This blog post is about Yellow Colour, its healing effect and how it is used in colour therapy…
New Paintings of January
This blog post is about my new paintings created in January 2021...
Colour Therapy - Orange!
This blog post is about Orange Colour, its healing effect and how it is used in colour therapy…
Colour Therapy - Red
In the history of mankind the need of use of colours was never felt so intensely as in the modern world of tension, anxiety and stress…
Best 6 Of My 25 Minis
This blog post is about 6 best of 25 mini- paintings I have done during December 2020 …
25 Days of Minis: Days 1-10
This blog post is about my advent 25 mini- paintings I have started on December the 1st. Today I already have 10 minis. Some of them are already framed and ready for …
Gift Ideas Review_03
This post - is my personal selection of Gifts Ideas for upcoming holidays season…
Florotype (part1)
When it’s getting colder (just like it is now) and there is no way to go out for a pleinair painting I take my thick books out of shelf and find beautiful press-dried flowers between the pages. I use them for making FLOROTYPES…
Gift Ideas Review_02
This post - is my personal selection of Gifts Ideas for upcoming holidays season…/ Part1
Fall Nature Inspired…Landscapes.
Fall Nature Inspired….! In this blog post I am sharing my 5 Autumn landscapes, all plein air oil on canvas paintings inspired by the beauty of autumn…
Bright Colours of Autumn…
I like Autumn. There are so many bright pure colours around!…It is such a pleasure to have a long walks and watch all this beauty…