Colour Therapy - Sky Blue and Indigo!


Sky blue color

This color is associated with the upper portion of the body: head, neck, face and shoulders. It is the coldest of all the colors and therefore it is used to terminate the negative effects of

the red and the orange colors.


Psychological Properties of Blue:
Blue is the color of heavenly consciousness, harmony, calmness and hope - considered to be a spiritual colour. Being a quieting color it is commonly used in the room of mental patients and violent criminals because of its sedative effects but also for the deeper insight that it generates in the mind.

Blue is not as sedating as indigo. It is also the color of communication. Can be used in any rooms except those used for physical activity or play.


Portrait. Blue period.

Painting by Pablo Picasso. Picasso called blue as color of all colors…

Negative aspect:

Too much blue can be depressing and bring on a feeling of weariness. Nonetheless

Blue is the balancing color that returns the bloodstream to normal and reduces nervous excitement.

It helps the introvert come out of their shells and comforts the manic - depressive. But after more than twenty minutes of concentrated treatment with blue rays, mental depression tends to set in.

Blue clothing and furnishings tend to make a person feel tired.


The diseases that can be treated using Blue color and Blue light or Chromatized water include: fevers, burns, cataracts, eye inflammations, high blood pressure, headache, tooth infections, insomnia, epilepsy, jaundice.

The blue vibrations increase the metabolism, build vitality, promote growth of the body and brain cells, slow the action of the heart and act as a tonic on the body in general. They have antiseptic properties, contracting potencies for muscles and blood vessels and a soothing and cooling effect on inflammations.

The method of preparing Chromatized water with properties of Blue Color you can find in the book “Colour Therapy” (available as free *pdf file for reading) at pages 90-92.


When You Need to Be Creative

Go blue. A 2009 study found that people exposed to blue were better able to explore their creative sides. Use blue in your art, crafting, or writing room, or slap on a blue piece of jewelry for a creative boost on the go.


FYI: Colour therapy info (use of Chromatized water and colored light in treatment deseases) menthioned in this blog post is based on the original text of this book “Colour Therapy” (available as free *pdf file for reading online).

(!) To insure you understand everything right - please read the whole book before applying these methods of treatment (chromatized water etc.) or at least the chapters related to your health problems.

P.S.: Next Colour Therapy Post will be dedicated to Purple Color. See you in a week!


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