Colour Therapy - Violet

Do you like Violet colour? - Our resonance with particular colours can give us some interesting insights in to our emotions and attitudes.


Violet relates to self knowledge/ spiritual awareness. It is the union with your higher self, with spirituality, and your consciousness.

Violet can be very helpful for meditation and any spiritual matters

Once Leonardo da Vinci said: "The power o f meditation can be ten times greater under violet light falling through the stained glass window of a quiet church…»


Properties of Violet:
It has a very calming effect on us and is very helpful for those people experiencing sleep difficulties or stress.

However, it can be contra-indicated for those suffering from depressive disorders.

Violet controls irritability, reduces hunger, builds leucocytes and maintains ionic balance especially of potassium and sodium.


One of the numerous beautiful collages of Kurt Schwitters featuring shades of violet

Violet stimulates the spleen, upper brain, glands of the body including the gonads and bones. It depresses the lymphatics, heart muscles and motor nerves.

It is used for treating: Bladder problems, bone-growth disfunctions, cerebrospinal meningitis, concussion, cramps, kidney diseases, scalp diseases, sciatica, neuralgia, rheumatism, obesity, benign and malignant tumors.


Satin woman Scarf by Gucci.

Wearing Violet:

For me, Violet is an exceptionally beautiful color, as it radiates calmness, mystery and peace, and reminds of purple sunsets. I love to wear Violet accessories a lot but wouldn’t dare to wear Violet dress :) just got a feeling that it’s gonna be too much of Violet for me.

Below are some tips on wearing Violet.

Absolutely wear violet when:

1. You wish to make positive changes in your life and when you are looking for a purpose

2. When you wish to feel special and unique and show other people that you are a non-conformist

3. When you want to eliminate anger, destructive attitudes and addictions


Do not wear violet under the following conditions:

1. If you suffer from depressive disorders

2. If you are absent-minded

3. If you feel stuck in any kind of grief


Using Violet in the home:


  • Calming for body and mind.

  • Good for meditation and prayer.

  • Enhances purpose and dignity.

  • Heightens our awareness and helps us to give of our very best.

  • Purifying

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“Irises Still Life”, 2020. Original painting by Oxana Logvinova.

Oils | Canvas. Available.

Suggested Areas of Use for Violet colour:

  • Places of worship

  • Entry areas to clinics and hospitals

  • Festival areas

  • Pale violet in bedrooms.

* Next Colour Therapy post will be about White and Black colours, their properties and how they effect us.


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